Prepare for homeownership, taught by financial coaches, not realtors.
Why attend this course? As financial coaches our only goal is to educate you on how to successfully prepare for first time home ownership. We have no desire to sell you real estate or influence your thinking about real estate. We just want to teach you the steps you need to take to be properly prepared to buy a home.
The world of home buying can be an overwhelming thing to navigate, but not when you're armed with trusted information from experienced professionals. Whether you are just starting your financial journey or you've been working for years there are essential pieces of information you need to know about before entering the world of home ownership.
Join us to learn more about how to prepare for home ownership with several sessions including:
Determining how much you can afford
How improve your credit and prepare to qualify for a mortgage
The TRUE cost of homeownership
Choosing partners to help you with the home buying process
Managing your finances after the purchase
The costs of buying and/or selling
First Time Home Buyers Plan
When you should rent instead of buy
What you'll take away at the end of the session:
steps on how to build or rebuild your credit score so you can purchase a home
money management tools to help you set and achieve savings goals for a down payment as well as manage your finances after the purchase of your home
confidence to walk through the home ownership process
list of essential partners you need for the home buying process
Session hosts:
Chris Scheele with Forerunner Financial
Amber Cook, Personal Financial Coach with The Light House COaching