No matter what stage of business you are in we are sure you have questions about how you can continue to move forward and work through a hurdle you are facing?
We've got an incredible panel of experienced business owners to provide you with some practical steps and solutions over lunch or coffee.
Come out February 20th anytime between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm (bring your lunch, sit down with one of our many coaches and ask questions.
How to start a food business?
Sales Strategy + Training
Small Business systems, administration + tools to help you be more effective.
Human Resources support (recruitment, hiring + retention, employee management)
Marketing Strategy + Execution
Financial Planning + Bookkeeping Support
Accounting + Tax Questions
Our Panel:
Stephanie Markakis-Plouffe with Fork & Spoon Business Consulting and Treats Baked by Stephanie (bakery).Stephanie has successfully built an industrial kitchen and sold her handmade products in farmers markets, Save-on-Foods and cafes across the city.
Dawn Macdougall with Next Level Consulting provides support to small business owners and startups in a multitude of ways, including Systems + Administration implementation, and creating strategies to help you and your team drive Sales to the NEXT LEVEL.
Amber Cook with The Light House COaching provides coaching and support to help home based, small businesses and startups with cashflow planning, bookkeeping support + training, and financial strategies. Amber can also provide marketing strategy support, business plan resources and tools, and she has a wealth of information on free resources for starting and running a business.